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Interface ITuple

public interface ITuple

User level interface to a Tuple.

The AIDA team (

Method Summary
 void addRow()
          Add the current row to the ITuple.
 IAnnotation annotation()
          Get the IAnnotation corresponding to this ITuple.
 double columnMax(int column)
          Get the maximum value of a given column (if it can be converted to a double).
 double columnMean(int column)
          Get the mean value of a given column (if it can be converted to a double).
 double columnMin(int column)
          Get the minimum value of a given column (if it can be converted to a double).
 String columnName(int column)
          Get the name of a column from its index.
 String[] columnNames()
          Get the names of all the columns.
 double columnRms(int column)
          Get the RMS of a given column (if it can be converted to a double).
 int columns()
          Get the number of columns in the ITuple
 Class columnType(int column)
          Get the type of a give column.
 Class[] columnTypes()
          Get the types of all the columns.
 void fill(double[] values)
          Fill all the columns at once with doubles.
 void fill(float[] values)
          Fill all the columns at once with floats.
 void fill(int column, boolean value)
          Fill a given column with a boolean.
 void fill(int column, byte value)
          Fill a given column with a byte.
 void fill(int column, char value)
          Fill a given column with a char.
 void fill(int column, double value)
          Fill a given column with a double.
 void fill(int column, float value)
          Fill a given column with a float.
 void fill(int column, int value)
          Fill a given column with an integer.
 void fill(int column, long value)
          Fill a given column with a long.
 void fill(int column, Object value)
          Fill a given column with an object.
 void fill(int column, short value)
          Fill a given column with a short.
 void fill(int column, String value)
          Fill a given column with a string.
 int findColumn(String name)
          Get the index within the ITuple of a given column.
 boolean getBoolean(int column)
          Get the boolean stored in a given column at the current cursor's position.
 byte getByte(int column)
          Get the byte stored in a given column at the current cursor's position.
 char getChar(int column)
          Get the character stored in a given column at the current cursor's position.
 double getDouble(int column)
          Get the double stored in a given column at the current cursor's position.
 float getFloat(int column)
          Get the float stored in a given column at the current cursor's position.
 int getInt(int column)
          Get the integer stored in a given column at the current cursor's position.
 long getLong(int column)
          Get the long stored in a given column at the current cursor's position.
 Object getObject(int column)
          Get the object stored in a given column at the current cursor's position.
 short getShort(int column)
          Get the short stored in a given column at the current cursor's position.
 String getString(int column)
          Get the string stored in a given column at the current cursor's position.
 ITuple getTuple(int column)
          Return method for tuple variables of type ITuple for a given column.
 boolean next()
          Positions the cursor at the next row.
 void project(ICloud1D cloud, IEvaluator evaluatorX)
          Fill an ICloud1D from the tuple.
 void project(ICloud1D cloud, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator weight)
          Fill an ICloud1D from the tuple.
 void project(ICloud1D cloud, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IFilter filter)
          Fill an ICloud1D from the tuple.
 void project(ICloud1D cloud, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IFilter filter, IEvaluator weight)
          Fill an ICloud1D from the tuple.
 void project(ICloud2D cloud, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY)
          Fill an ICloud2D from the tuple.
 void project(ICloud2D cloud, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IEvaluator weight)
          Fill an ICloud2D from the tuple.
 void project(ICloud2D cloud, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IFilter filter)
          Fill an ICloud2D from the tuple.
 void project(ICloud2D cloud, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IFilter filter, IEvaluator weight)
          Fill an ICloud2D from the tuple.
 void project(ICloud3D cloud, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IEvaluator evaluatorZ)
          Fill an ICloud3D from the tuple.
 void project(ICloud3D cloud, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IEvaluator evaluatorZ, IEvaluator weight)
          Fill an ICloud3D from the tuple.
 void project(ICloud3D cloud, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IEvaluator evaluatorZ, IFilter filter)
          Fill an ICloud3D from the tuple.
 void project(ICloud3D cloud, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IEvaluator evaluatorZ, IFilter filter, IEvaluator weight)
          Fill an ICloud3D from the tuple.
 void project(IHistogram1D histogram, IEvaluator evaluatorX)
          Fill an IHistogram1D from the tuple.
 void project(IHistogram1D histogram, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator weight)
          Fill an IHistogram1D from the tuple.
 void project(IHistogram1D histogram, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IFilter filter)
          Fill an IHistogram1D from the tuple.
 void project(IHistogram1D histogram, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IFilter filter, IEvaluator weight)
          Fill an IHistogram1D from the tuple.
 void project(IHistogram2D histogram, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY)
          Fill an IHistogram2D from the tuple.
 void project(IHistogram2D histogram, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IEvaluator weight)
          Fill an IHistogram2D from the tuple.
 void project(IHistogram2D histogram, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IFilter filter)
          Fill an IHistogram2D from the tuple.
 void project(IHistogram2D histogram, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IFilter filter, IEvaluator weight)
          Fill an IHistogram2D from the tuple.
 void project(IHistogram3D histogram, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IEvaluator evaluatorZ)
          Fill an IHistogram3D from the tuple.
 void project(IHistogram3D histogram, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IEvaluator evaluatorZ, IEvaluator weight)
          Fill an IHistogram3D from the tuple.
 void project(IHistogram3D histogram, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IEvaluator evaluatorZ, IFilter filter)
          Fill an IHistogram3D from the tuple.
 void project(IHistogram3D histogram, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IEvaluator evaluatorZ, IFilter filter, IEvaluator weight)
          Fill an IHistogram3D from the tuple.
 void project(IProfile1D profile, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY)
          Fill an IProfile1D from the tuple.
 void project(IProfile1D profile, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IEvaluator weight)
          Fill an IProfile1D from the tuple.
 void project(IProfile1D profile, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IFilter filter)
          Fill an IProfile1D from the tuple.
 void project(IProfile1D profile, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IFilter filter, IEvaluator weight)
          Fill an IProfile1D from the tuple.
 void project(IProfile2D profile, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IEvaluator evaluatorZ)
          Fill an IProfile2D from the tuple.
 void project(IProfile2D profile, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IEvaluator evaluatorZ, IEvaluator weight)
          Fill an IProfile2D from the tuple.
 void project(IProfile2D profile, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IEvaluator evaluatorZ, IFilter filter)
          Fill an IProfile2D from the tuple.
 void project(IProfile2D profile, IEvaluator evaluatorX, IEvaluator evaluatorY, IEvaluator evaluatorZ, IFilter filter, IEvaluator weight)
          Fill an IProfile2D from the tuple.
 void reset()
          Reset the ITuple.
 void resetRow()
          Clear the current(not yet added) row.
 int rows()
          Get the number of rows currently filled in the ITuple.
 void setRow(int rowIndex)
          Position the cursor at a give row.
 void setTitle(String title)
          Set the title of the ITuple.
 void skip(int rows)
          Skips a given number of rows.
 void start()
          Positions the read cursor immediately before the first row.
 String title()
          Get the title of this ITuple.

Method Detail


public String title()
Get the title of this ITuple.

The ITuple's title.


public void setTitle(String title)
              throws IllegalArgumentException
Set the title of the ITuple.

title - The new ITuple's title.
IllegalArgumentEception - If title cannot be changed.


public IAnnotation annotation()
Get the IAnnotation corresponding to this ITuple.

The ITuple's IAnnotation.


public void fill(int column,
                 double value)
          throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill a given column with a double.

column - The column's index within the ITuple.
value - The double.
IllegalArgumentException - If the column is of the wrong type.


public void fill(int column,
                 float value)
          throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill a given column with a float.

column - The column's index within the ITuple.
value - The float.
IllegalArgumentException - If the column is of the wrong type.


public void fill(int column,
                 int value)
          throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill a given column with an integer.

column - The column's index within the ITuple.
value - The integer.
IllegalArgumentException - If the column is of the wrong type.


public void fill(int column,
                 short value)
          throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill a given column with a short.

column - The column's index within the ITuple.
value - The short.
IllegalArgumentException - If the column is of the wrong type.


public void fill(int column,
                 long value)
          throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill a given column with a long.

column - The column's index within the ITuple.
value - The long.
IllegalArgumentException - If the column is of the wrong type.


public void fill(int column,
                 char value)
          throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill a given column with a char.

column - The column's index within the ITuple.
value - The char.
IllegalArgumentException - If the column is of the wrong type.


public void fill(int column,
                 byte value)
          throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill a given column with a byte.

column - The column's index within the ITuple.
value - The byte.
IllegalArgumentException - If the column is of the wrong type.


public void fill(int column,
                 boolean value)
          throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill a given column with a boolean.

column - The column's index within the ITuple.
IllegalArgumentException - If the column is of the wrong type.


public void fill(int column,
                 String value)
          throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill a given column with a string.

column - The column's index within the ITuple.
value - The string.
IllegalArgumentException - If the column is of the wrong type.


public void fill(int column,
                 Object value)
          throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill a given column with an object.

column - The column's index within the ITuple.
value - The object.
IllegalArgumentException - If the column is of the wrong type.


public void fill(double[] values)
          throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill all the columns at once with doubles.

values - The array of doubles.
IllegalArgumentException - If any column is not of type double or if the array has the wrong dimension.


public void fill(float[] values)
          throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill all the columns at once with floats.

values - The array of floats.
IllegalArgumentException - If any column is not of type float or if the array has the wrong dimension.


public void addRow()
            throws OutOfStorageException
Add the current row to the ITuple. This method should be called after fill has been called for the columns; unfilled columns will be filled with their default value.

OutOfStorageException - When the ITuple runs out of storage space.


public void resetRow()
Clear the current(not yet added) row.


public void reset()
Reset the ITuple. All the rows are reset. The ITuple is as just created.


public int rows()
Get the number of rows currently filled in the ITuple.

The number of rows. -1 if empty or if it cannot be determined.


public void start()
Positions the read cursor immediately before the first row.


public void skip(int rows)
          throws IllegalArgumentException
Skips a given number of rows.

rows - The number of rows to skip.
IllegalArgumentException - If rows is less than zero or if it is not possible to perform the jump.


public boolean next()
Positions the cursor at the next row.

false if there is no next row.


public void setRow(int rowIndex)
            throws IllegalArgumentException
Position the cursor at a give row.

rowIndex - The row where the cursor has to be positioned.
IllegalArgumentException - If the cursor cannot be positioned at the give row.


public int findColumn(String name)
               throws IllegalArgumentException
Get the index within the ITuple of a given column.

name - The colum's name.
The corresponding column's index. Note: in C++ -1 may be returned if the column does not exist.
IllegalArgumentExcepion - If the column does not exist.


public double getDouble(int column)
                 throws ClassCastException
Get the double stored in a given column at the current cursor's position.

column - The column's index within the ITuple.
The double.
ClassCastException - If there is a mismatch of types.


public float getFloat(int column)
               throws ClassCastException
Get the float stored in a given column at the current cursor's position.

column - The column's index within the ITuple.
The float.
ClassCastException - If there is a mismatch of types.


public int getInt(int column)
           throws ClassCastException
Get the integer stored in a given column at the current cursor's position.

column - The column's index within the ITuple.
The integer.
ClassCastException - If there is a mismatch of types.


public short getShort(int column)
               throws ClassCastException
Get the short stored in a given column at the current cursor's position.

column - The column's index within the ITuple.
The short.
ClassCastException - If there is a mismatch of types.


public long getLong(int column)
             throws ClassCastException
Get the long stored in a given column at the current cursor's position.

column - The column's index within the ITuple.
The long.
ClassCastException - If there is a mismatch of types.


public char getChar(int column)
             throws ClassCastException
Get the character stored in a given column at the current cursor's position.

column - The column's index within the ITuple.
The character.
ClassCastException - If there is a mismatch of types.


public byte getByte(int column)
             throws ClassCastException
Get the byte stored in a given column at the current cursor's position.

column - The column's index within the ITuple.
The byte.
ClassCastException - If there is a mismatch of types.


public boolean getBoolean(int column)
                   throws ClassCastException
Get the boolean stored in a given column at the current cursor's position.

The boolean.
ClassCastException - If there is a mismatch of types.


public String getString(int column)
                 throws ClassCastException
Get the string stored in a given column at the current cursor's position.

column - The column's index within the ITuple.
The string.
ClassCastException - If there is a mismatch of types.


public Object getObject(int column)
                 throws ClassCastException
Get the object stored in a given column at the current cursor's position.

column - The column's index within the ITuple.
The object.
ClassCastException - If there is a mismatch of types.


public ITuple getTuple(int column)
Return method for tuple variables of type ITuple for a given column. This method can be used in order to fill a tuple variable in the master tuple.

column - The column's index.
The ITuple representing the structure of this column.


public int columns()
Get the number of columns in the ITuple

The number of columns.


public String columnName(int column)
                  throws IllegalArgumentException
Get the name of a column from its index.

column - The column's index.
The column's name.
IllegalArgumentException - For a wrong column's index.


public String[] columnNames()
Get the names of all the columns.

The column names.


public Class columnType(int column)
                 throws IllegalArgumentException
Get the type of a give column.

column - The column's type.
The column's Class.
IllegalArgumentException - For a wrong column's index.


public Class[] columnTypes()
Get the types of all the columns.

The column Classes.


public double columnMin(int column)
                 throws IllegalArgumentException
Get the minimum value of a given column (if it can be converted to a double).

column - The column's index.
The column's minimum value. In Java Double.NaN might be returned.
IllegalArgumentException - For a wrong column's index.


public double columnMax(int column)
                 throws IllegalArgumentException
Get the maximum value of a given column (if it can be converted to a double).

column - The column's index.
The column's maximum value. In Java Double.NaN might be returned.
IllegalArgumentException - For a wrong column's index.


public double columnMean(int column)
                  throws IllegalArgumentException
Get the mean value of a given column (if it can be converted to a double).

column - The column's index.
The column's mean value. In Java Double.NaN might be returned.
IllegalArgumentException - For a wrong column's index.


public double columnRms(int column)
                 throws IllegalArgumentException
Get the RMS of a given column (if it can be converted to a double).

column - The column's index.
The column's RMS. In Java Double.NaN might be returned.
IllegalArgumentException - For a wrong column's index.


public void project(IHistogram1D histogram,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an IHistogram1D from the tuple.

histogram - The histogram to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(IHistogram1D histogram,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IFilter filter)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an IHistogram1D from the tuple.

histogram - The histogram to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
filter - The filter object used to accept or not the current row. If rejected, the histogram is not filled.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(IHistogram1D histogram,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator weight)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an IHistogram1D from the tuple.

histogram - The histogram to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
weight - The evaluator which determines the weight which is used during the filling.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(IHistogram1D histogram,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IFilter filter,
                    IEvaluator weight)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an IHistogram1D from the tuple.

histogram - The histogram to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
filter - The filter object used to accept or not the current row. If rejected, the histogram is not filled.
weight - The evaluator which determines the weight which is used during the filling.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(IHistogram2D histogram,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an IHistogram2D from the tuple.

histogram - The histogram to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(IHistogram2D histogram,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IFilter filter)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an IHistogram2D from the tuple.

histogram - The histogram to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
filter - The filter object used to accept or not the current row. If rejected, the histogram is not filled.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(IHistogram2D histogram,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IEvaluator weight)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an IHistogram2D from the tuple.

histogram - The histogram to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
weight - The evaluator which determines the weight which is used during the filling.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(IHistogram2D histogram,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IFilter filter,
                    IEvaluator weight)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an IHistogram2D from the tuple.

histogram - The histogram to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
filter - The filter object used to accept or not the current row. If rejected, the histogram is not filled.
weight - The evaluator which determines the weight which is used during the filling.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(IHistogram3D histogram,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorZ)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an IHistogram3D from the tuple.

histogram - The histogram to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorZ - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram along the z axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(IHistogram3D histogram,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorZ,
                    IFilter filter)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an IHistogram3D from the tuple.

histogram - The histogram to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorZ - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram along the z axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
filter - The filter object used to accept or not the current row. If rejected, the histogram is not filled.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(IHistogram3D histogram,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorZ,
                    IEvaluator weight)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an IHistogram3D from the tuple.

histogram - The histogram to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorZ - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram along the z axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
weight - The evaluator which determines the weight which is used during the filling.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(IHistogram3D histogram,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorZ,
                    IFilter filter,
                    IEvaluator weight)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an IHistogram3D from the tuple.

histogram - The histogram to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorZ - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the histogram along the z axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
filter - The filter object used to accept or not the current row. If rejected, the histogram is not filled.
weight - The evaluator which determines the weight which is used during the filling.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(ICloud1D cloud,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an ICloud1D from the tuple.

cloud - The cloud to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(ICloud1D cloud,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IFilter filter)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an ICloud1D from the tuple.

cloud - The cloud to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
filter - The filter object used to accept or not the current row. If rejected, the cloud is not filled.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(ICloud1D cloud,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator weight)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an ICloud1D from the tuple.

cloud - The cloud to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
weight - The evaluator which determines the weight which is used during the filling.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(ICloud1D cloud,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IFilter filter,
                    IEvaluator weight)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an ICloud1D from the tuple.

cloud - The cloud to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
filter - The filter object used to accept or not the current row. If rejected, the cloud is not filled.
weight - The evaluator which determines the weight which is used during the filling.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(ICloud2D cloud,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an ICloud2D from the tuple.

cloud - The cloud to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(ICloud2D cloud,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IFilter filter)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an ICloud2D from the tuple.

cloud - The cloud to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
filter - The filter object used to accept or not the current row. If rejected, the cloud is not filled.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(ICloud2D cloud,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IEvaluator weight)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an ICloud2D from the tuple.

cloud - The cloud to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
weight - The evaluator which determines the weight which is used during the filling.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(ICloud2D cloud,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IFilter filter,
                    IEvaluator weight)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an ICloud2D from the tuple.

cloud - The cloud to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
filter - The filter object used to accept or not the current row. If rejected, the cloud is not filled.
weight - The evaluator which determines the weight which is used during the filling.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(ICloud3D cloud,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorZ)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an ICloud3D from the tuple.

cloud - The cloud to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorZ - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud along the z axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(ICloud3D cloud,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorZ,
                    IFilter filter)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an ICloud3D from the tuple.

cloud - The cloud to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorZ - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud along the z axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
filter - The filter object used to accept or not the current row. If rejected, the cloud is not filled.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(ICloud3D cloud,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorZ,
                    IEvaluator weight)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an ICloud3D from the tuple.

cloud - The cloud to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorZ - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud along the z axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
weight - The evaluator which determines the weight which is used during the filling.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(ICloud3D cloud,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorZ,
                    IFilter filter,
                    IEvaluator weight)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an ICloud3D from the tuple.

cloud - The cloud to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorZ - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the cloud along the z axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
filter - The filter object used to accept or not the current row. If rejected, the cloud is not filled.
weight - The evaluator which determines the weight which is used during the filling.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(IProfile1D profile,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an IProfile1D from the tuple.

profile - The profile to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the profile along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the profile along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(IProfile1D profile,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IFilter filter)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an IProfile1D from the tuple.

profile - The profile to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the profile along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the profile along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
filter - The filter object used to accept or not the current row. If rejected, the profile is not filled.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(IProfile1D profile,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IEvaluator weight)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an IProfile1D from the tuple.

profile - The profile to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the profile along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the profile along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
weight - The evaluator which determines the weight which is used during the filling.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(IProfile1D profile,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IFilter filter,
                    IEvaluator weight)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an IProfile1D from the tuple.

profile - The profile to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the profile along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the profile along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
filter - The filter object used to accept or not the current row. If rejected, the profile is not filled.
weight - The evaluator which determines the weight which is used during the filling.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(IProfile2D profile,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorZ)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an IProfile2D from the tuple.

profile - The profile to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the profile along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the profile along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorZ - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the profile along the z axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(IProfile2D profile,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorZ,
                    IFilter filter)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an IProfile2D from the tuple.

profile - The profile to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the profile along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the profile along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorZ - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the profile along the z axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
filter - The filter object used to accept or not the current row. If rejected, the profile is not filled.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(IProfile2D profile,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorZ,
                    IEvaluator weight)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an IProfile2D from the tuple.

profile - The profile to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the profile along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the profile along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorZ - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the profile along the z axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
weight - The evaluator which determines the weight which is used during the filling.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.


public void project(IProfile2D profile,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorX,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorY,
                    IEvaluator evaluatorZ,
                    IFilter filter,
                    IEvaluator weight)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Fill an IProfile2D from the tuple.

profile - The profile to fill.
evaluatorX - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the profile along the x axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorY - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the profile along the y axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
evaluatorZ - The evaluator used to compute the value to be filled in the profile along the z axis. The value is computed from the current row of the tuple.
filter - The filter object used to accept or not the current row. If rejected, the profile is not filled.
weight - The evaluator which determines the weight which is used during the filling.
IllegalArgumentException - If something goes wrong.

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